you separate

Среда, 16.10.2024, 01:54

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One third time in the day a person sleeps, so prepare to sleep not "last" thing!
First, with your neighbors tent prostelit blankets and mats to the bottom of the tent, important to cover the tent from his knees to the crown. In the case of the sleeping bag you can certainly put soft stuff and use it as a pillow.
Not very nice to sleep in a wet tent or sleeping bags that will not prevent some useful advice.
If you do not tilt - when it rains, you can not touch the inside to the roof of the tent, because in these places tent will leak.
Around the edge of the tent canopy can prokopaty small ditch with ditches to remove rainwater.
When you try to rain down without touching the walls and roof of the tent.
On the day sleeping bag more tightly twisted (in the evening with the beginning of darkness and cold will not gain moisture and cold water and a warmer).
Correctly and accurately set the tent, subject to these rules - your guarantee of camphor even in a strong and lingering rain. "
After rain or wet after the night (in a good sunny weather) is better tent tent dry.
Wet floor tent prosushuvaty can and should (as soon as possible) to extract all the stuff before.
Some inconvenience and discomfort in the camps and hikes can cause insect and lice. Insects could save you simple folk remedies:
Vognische strongly fragrant bouquet of wild smoke cloves or fancy equipment factory ..
Sometimes rain accompanied by lightning discharges. In this case, to protect yourself you should ...
1. Do not run dry hole to sit in a trench.
2. If possible, at least touch the ground.
3. Do not stand under the high trees especially those that stand alone
4. The mountains and hills to avoid the high ridges of hills.
5. Danger alongside with metal objects.
6. In no case shall be placed in water.
Антицеллюлитная гимнастика


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