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10 tips how to get through to a higher
Tip One: Remember Your Rights
Today the applicant is entitled to enter at once to several higher education institutions (HEIs). More attempts - more likely. All Ukrainian universities and academies (and public and commercial) must receive certified copies of secondary education. You can assure them of any notary. Home to enroll in universities rini - calculate the time and effort to make it so all exams.
Tip two: No hurry to climb on the wallet
In public universities according to the Law "On education" receiving documents and conduct the exam (in tochu including for those entering the commercial) is completely free. Fully meeting the so-called "office expenses" - illegal. In private universities charge for examinations should obmovlyatysya in the contract that zaklechayetsya between students and education institutions.
Tip Three: Fear cheats
We recommend highly skeptical of proposals to take strangers to pay a round sum of a man in his committee to ensure the absolute membership. Too big chance that you just throw. Fraudsters usually hide behind supposedly existing constraints in university management but note: the real "pushers" (those that have given the "desired" of entrants to the test) services on the street do not offer! Much cheaper and safer (if of course) to join immediately to pay university department. And money is not lost and will have state diploma. In addition to studying boys granted deferment from the army. Just do not forget to sign a written contract with universities which clearly discuss the rights and responsibilities - as their own so the university.
Tip Four: appealing, but as
If the test "spiteful" nezasluhovanu teachers set low or no assessment of rubble - Serve appeal. This is done immediately after the oral exam on the day of announcement of the results of written work. You must write an application addressed to the secretary and committee reasonably prove that examiners were, to say wrong. Statement on the same day to consider a special appeal committee. Her decision to announce your presence. But the fact that after the assessment increase. Commission as the experience is extremely reluctant to review the results of the exam. What is clear: teachers defend the honor of his uniform. But with perseverance and arhumentovanosti can get their requirements.
The reason for filing an appeal may be and what oral exam on your answer only heard one teacher (the second of the time or ask another applicant was not at all in the audience) or your written work checked again - still only one person (must check at least two ). Appeal if the teacher did you moral pressure was rude, impatient, not dosluhav your response to the end. You can appeal if you require knowledge from outside the school program or asked what you are paid only on university training courses. All this considered a violation of entrance tests and can be driven to see their results. Remember: on appeal, no right to ask additional questions!
Tip five: zapasaysya Inquiries
If you do not appear on the exam for reasons of illness or accident - God forbid! - Death of close relatives as well somo if suddenly felt bad the moment they hold it - assign a date re-examination. Be sure to only submit to the selection committee the appropriate certificate stamped medical center.
Tip Six: do not forget about benefits
This applies especially children - orphans, disabled from childhood and disabled groups 1 and 2, "Chernobyl" and some other categories of entrants. Welfare come out of competition in higher education: they receive a positive evaluation of the exams. Special rights are winners of national and international competitions. Schoolchildren - as well as honors graduates profuchylysch, college and technical school that graduated with honors, for admission to first year enough to give a profile of 11 exam (in each university he sow).
Tip seven: Do not pursue prestige
In some universities to place one student claims 12 - 15 people! Estimate your chances realistically and think: maybe should go by the same specialty only in the less steep institution? Better were the average university student than a few years in a row to beat forehead against a brick wall "steep" the University, thus losing a lot of time and money ...
Eighth Tip: Be modest
Do not see the exam defiantly do not demonstrate their nafyrkanyy example, long legs and bare navel. Teachers is annoying, especially ladies Bal'zakovskij age. Better to come dressed modestly but tastefully. And in no way shows that you know more examiners! They do not like. See the teacher straight in the eye, answer clearly, confidently, not without nahabnosti. If you feel that frankly "overthrow" Do your best to maintain composure.
Record all questions and their answers. Not on exam scandal, it is better immediately after appeals and lectured her their claims.
9th Tip: hold "golden mean"
Try to get into the audience not the first nor the last. The first is usually stricter asked recently pulled worst. The main principle of conduct the test - not to pay extra attention.
10th Tip: Forget about mobile and crib
With an audience is allowed to take water bottle, chocolate, calculator, table Bradisa. But use more literature (especially cabbage) can not. Strictly forbidden to bring with them pagers or mobile phones. Not allowed to talk to the test. For all these violations, you may well ask the audience and ask "unsatisfactory".

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