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Воскресенье, 02.02.2025, 02:53

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Typical mistakes smokers
"My health is better anyway"
Nicotine and carbon mono oxide come from the body in the first few hours after stopping smoking. Within a month after smoking cessation krovyanyy pressure returns to normal levels and improved lung function. 3 months after cessation of smoking may restore lung capacity due to the self.
"The more I smoke, the better I can concentrate"
Perhaps the first point. - More: each time in order to focus you need more cigarettes. Scientists have long noticed that nicotine stimulation of the nervous system leads to deterioration of brain energy processes.
"I often where smokers smoke but he rarely"
Tobacco smoke is less dangerous. People who are near smokers get the same set of pollutants and also risk their health. The risk of heart attacks by 90% higher for those who regularly communicates with smokers breathing poisonous air.
"I no can replace smoking, because my addiction"
Nicotine replacement therapy, which is held or by chewing gum or a leather patch that aims to help smokers who have a strong dependence in the process of smoking cessation helps to avoid cancellation of nicotine symptom such as the desire to smoke and mood changes when a smoker tossed smoke.
If I may smoke
1. I will feel better:
- I will be easier to breathe and I cough less;
- Circulation of blood to all organs will improve and they will work better.
2. I will have more energy:
- In the heart, lungs and muscles will fall more oxygen and less uharnoho gas and they will be easier to work;
- I can not stifle probihtysya or climb stairs.
3. I will get sick less:
- I will become easier to bear cold and flu;
- Medicines will bring me more benefits;
- My risk of tuberculosis decline.
4. My food will be delicious:
- I will return to the previous sense of taste and smell;
- My appetite improved and I will get more pleasure from food and drinks.
5. I will look better:
- My clothes will no longer be breathing the smoke stink;
- My teeth are whiter;
- Yellowness of my fingers disappear;
6. I will have more money:
- If you smoke out a pack of cigarettes a day cost only 7 USD, with the smoke of the pit to turn a lot of money;
- For the money I could buy ... bla bla bla ...
- If you count much money goes to treatment of disease caused by smoke ...
- If through my smoking conflagration occurs ...
7. I will start to respect ourselves more:
- Dependence on cigarettes will no longer kuruvaty me;
- I have to prove that I have willpower.
8. I will not hurt others:
- My family and friends will have a smaller risk of tuberculosis;
- I submit a good example to their children.
All this is good but I already tried to quit smoking and failed to depart because of long-term common to be able to ...


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