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Среда, 16.10.2024, 11:30

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Signs of the variable weather (with periodic rainfall, with summer thunderstorms and cold).
1. Peryste on the horizon - clouds in a nomadic flock ryabyzny.
2. In the summer evening or morning as litter formed teeth or towers.
3. Summer - feeling the heat soar
Signs weather with lingering rain or snow and wind.
1. On the horizon appear Peristy thin clouds. These signs indicate that the weather can change in about 20 hours.
2. Evening or morning is red sometimes purple red. sun sets behind a cloud.
3. Wind directions change dramatically intensified in the evening
4. Not appear dew or frost
5. In the lowlands and the hills in the forest and the open area is the same temperature
6. Which appeared in the evening fog disappears before sunrise steletsja not on the water and rises up.
In good weather
1. Stars twinkle green color
2. Ants are very active
3. Insects fly and gnats swarm "pillar"
4. Bees fly in early field
5. Dandelion disclosed
6. Smoke (in the absence of wind) rises straight up
To bad weather
1. After a clear day ill see stars in the sky
2. Fish leap from the water
3. Frogs vypovzayut of swamps and hoarse croak
4. Bees fly late in the evening are very active
5. Ants are tucked in close to their ant hill walk
6. On the ground is not visible insects and earthworms vypovzayut on earth.

7. Smoke klubochetsya steletsja and the earth.

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